Quality Insurance Is No Accident

Quality Insurance-Is-No-Accident- Stone Insurance Group

The open road may be filled with unexpected twists and turns. Whatever type of vehicle you drive, it is important to get auto insurance for your car and assets. Full-coverage auto insurance can protect you, your family, and your vehicle and cargo–no matter if you’re driving around the city or traveling across the states. To […]

8 Things to Know About Water Safety

8 Things to Know About Water Safety

8 Things to Know About Water Safety According to the National Safety Council, approximately nine people in the nation die every day due to drowning. Keep yourself and your family safe around any body of water with these essential water safety tips: It’s never too late for swimming lessons. Swimming lessons are important for people […]

Preventing Heat Stroke

Preventing Heat Stroke-Stone Insurance Group

In Texas, as temperatures rise, so do the chances of heat stroke. According to the National Weather Service, in 2016, a total of 94 residents in the United States died as a result of extreme heat; more than double of that in 2015. While warmer weather means more outdoor activities, knowing how to prevent overheating […]

Summer is Here: 10 Affordable Activities

Summer-Activities-Stone Insurance Group

The kids are out of school, the temperatures have risen, and the nights have gotten longer; summer is here. Along with the sunny days, however, comes the burden of planning expensive summer outings or vacations. Fortunately, there are ways to fight seasonal boredom that don’t put a harsh dent in your wallet – and still […]

Brokers Create A Customized Coverage Solution

Brokers-Customized-Solution-Stone Insurance Group

If you are considering the purchase of an insurance policy, but having trouble  determining which company best suits your needs, an insurance broker is likely your optimal insurance solution. An insurance broker represents a variety of insurance companies, while an insurance agent only represents a single insurance company. A broker is focused on implementing policies […]

Flood Insurance: Hurricane Season Is Upon Us

Flood Insurance-stone insurance group

We’ve all heard the horror stories of someone losing their home due to a hurricane or flood. Unfortunately, homeowners generally insure their belongings and not the structure itself. In fact, did you know that the standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flood damage? With the hurricane season upon us, it is important to question whether you […]

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